
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day!

If you're anything like me, you understand that the only real value to (St.) Valentine's Day is making someone special feel special. It's a pretty artificial occasion in my opinion, because if someone really is special to you, you should not need a commercial holiday to show it. Man I'm sweet.

This Valentine card features three different kinds of "Heart" if you pay close enough attention. As a bonus, it also comes with three different insides to suit your particular mood or sexuality.

As always:
1) Download outside of card and your preferred inside of card
2) Print outside of card
3) Print inside of card on the opposite side of the same sheet of paper
4) Present to your special someone and prepare to make with the love (that's a nice way of saying banging)


Inside 1:

Inside 2:
Inside 3:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Movember Card #3 - Finger your grass

Gland to see you back so soon.

Download images. Print outer. Then print inner on the opposite side of the same sheet of paper.



Movember Card #2 - Stooge Edition

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!

Download both images. Print outer. On the opposite side of the same sheet of paper, print inner. Present to a man you love and/or respect.



Monday, November 8, 2010

Movember Card #1

Yes I know it's been a while. Sorry Andrew.

Download outer and inner. Print outer, then on the opposite side of the same page, print inner.



Friday, May 21, 2010

Brett Favre Card #3 - Breast Cancer Awareness

I hope that this is a fun way to spread a serious message. Once again, our hero Brett Favre is here to lend a helping hand...or two.

For further information on breast cancer awareness and detection, consult or

1) Download cover and print
2) Download inside and print on opposite side of the page
3) Share the card with any and all women you care about
4) Support breast cancer research



Brett Favre Card #2 - Feelin' Up Your Girlfriend

I think this one is particularly apt if your buddy cheers for a team rival of whichever team Brett Favre is playing for at the time. God I wish he was back with the Packers...

1) Download and print cover
2) Download and print inside on the opposite side of the paper
3) Fold over and give it to some jerk who cheers for the Bears or something



Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brett Favre Card #1 - Best Day Ever

Brett Favre. What else needs to be said?

This card will come in handy when you need to bring someone back down to Earth. You know, if a friend just got into a good school, or just got a good job or something and on the one hand you're happy for them, but on the other hand you want to bring them down a peg, just remind them that they can never be Brett Favre.

